Last Will and Testament of Samuel Greenif (1703); Anne
Arundel Co., Maryland
From Prerogative Court Wills, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Libre 11, folio 340, and 351. Written 14
August 1703, Probate 20 August 1703.
“In the name of God Amen, the 14 day of August 1703 I Sam
Greenif of Annarrundle County being Sick and weake in body but of perfect
memory praise be Given to God for the Same and knowing the uncertainty of this
Life on Earth and being Desireous to Settle things in Order doe make this my
last will and testament in forme following that is to say first and above all
things I Commend my Soule to Almighty God my Creator Assuredly Beleaveing that
I shall Receive pardon for all my sins and be Saved by the precious Death and
Merritt of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the
earth whence it was taken to be buried in a Christian manner as to my Executor
hereafter names Shall be thought meete and as touching such worldly Estate as
the Lord in mercy hath lent my will and meaning is the Same Shall be employed
and bestowed as hereafter by this my will is Expressed and I Doe make Brother
James Greenif Executor
Item I give unto
Sarah Rockhold my horse Brand and a Side Saddle and the furniture belonging to
Item I give my baldfaced horse to
Morice Baker
Item I give my old horse Snip to Will Baker
Item I give Eighty five pounds Sterling money to be Divided
between my Brother James Greenif and my sister Hannah Greenif after my Debts
are paid
Item I give by wareing apparel to James Croutch
Witness my hand and Seale
Sam Greenif”
“Signed and Sealed in the presence of” (Signed) Phillip Jones, Willm Gosnell, Robert Capele
On the back of which was written, “August 20 1703 Then Came
William Gosnell and Richard Capele two of the within witnesses within named and
made oath that they see the Testator Sam Greenif Signe Seale publish and
declare the within as his last will and that then he was of sound and perfect
minde and memory
Jurat Coram me William Taylard Deptyt Comm of AA County"
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